
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Liver Cirrhosis its pathogenesis,aetiology,clinical picture,investigation and newest treatment

Def.: Cirrhosis is defined as irreversible hepatic injury,
characterized by fibrosis & regeneration nodules ending in
loss of normal liver architecture.
N.B: fibrosis without regeneration module is not cirrhosis.
i- The main damage in cirrhosis is triggered by scaring
(fibrosis) that occurs from injuries due to alcohol,
ii- In response to the scaring, liver cells regenerate in
abnormal pattern & form nodules around i scar.
iii- The scar tissue & regenerated nodules block the flow of
blood and bile through the liver, preventing it from working
as it should.
1- Alcoholic cirrhosis (laennic's cirrhosis).
2- Post hepatitis cirrhosis, Bilharziasis.
3- Cardiac cirrhosis
4- Biliary cirrhosis
5- Metabolic à Haemochromatosis ↑ fe
à Hepatolenticular dengeration ↑ cu
6- Iatrogenic: Methotrexate, INH, Methyldopa
7- Idiopathic à (cryptogenic) cirrhosis.
8- Others : à Severe malnutrition.
à Syphilis.
à α1 antitrypsin deficiency.
Classification of cirrhosis
- Aetiological classification à acc. To aetiology.
- Morphological classification:
à Micro-nodular à < 3mm, same size.
à Macronodular à > 3 mm, variable size.
à Mixed.
Clinical picture:
à Symptoms:
a- Asymptomatic (latent cirrhosis): à Compensated liver cirrhosis
(No LCF or pH à Many patients with liver cirrhosis are
asymptomatic for years, others may show generalized
weakness, anorexia, malaise & weight loss.
b- Symptomatic (Manifest cirrhosis):
Symptoms of cause

Liver cell failure (LCF)

Portal  hypertension(pH)

i- Symptoms of I cause : e.g.:
· Post hepatitis: symptoms of hepatitis (history)
· Haemochromatosis: Bronzed DM.
· Hepatolenticular degeneration: extrapyramidal manifestations.
ii- Symptoms of liver cell failure: easy fatigue–encephalopathy..
iii- Symptoms of portal hypertension: distension, splenmegally,

à Signs:
1à signs of i cause.
2à signs of liver cell failure: palmer erythema, flapping
3à signs of portal hypertension: splenomegally.
4 à Liver: firm, sharp border
shrunken liver.
à Complication à hepatoma:
N.B1 : The liver is shrunken in all types of cirrhosis except in
- Cardiac cirrhosis.
- biliary cirrhosis
- early cases of liver cirrhosis
N.B2 : Causes of shrunken liver: Cirrhosis, fibrosis, necrosis.
i- Investigation for i cause.
ii- Investigation for liver cell failure (liver function test).
iii- Investigation for portal hypertension.
iv- Investigation for cirrhosis
à biopsy is the surest D
à ultrasound - CT
v- Investigation for complication (hepatoma)
à Tumur marker (α-feoto ptn.) (carboxy prothrombin)
- Liver damage from cirrhosis can't be reversed, but treatment
can stop or delay further progression and reduce
i- Treatment of i cause.
ii- Treatment of liver cell failure.

iii- Treatment of portal hypertension.
iv- Drugs to decrease liver fibrosis (Antifibrotic) it's still under
à Colchecine à ↑ collagen destruction.
à penicilamine à ↓ collagen synthesis.
v- Hepatic transplantation is the best hope but many
patient are not suitable.
see the pictures
Liver Cirrhosis

Liver Cirrhosis

Liver Cirrhosis

Liver Cirrhosis

Liver Cirrhosis

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