Endocrinal causes of short stature
1-GH deficiency:
1-GH deficiency:
a)congenital: short stature,obesity,immature
high pitched voice ,delayed skeletal maturation, higher incidence of
hyperlipedemia,microphallus(if associated with decrease GnRH),hypoglycemia and seizures
may occure,intellgence is normal.
ttt:exogenous hGH but some develop antibodies
those are reported to benefit from IGF-1
b)acquired:onset in late childhood
b)acquired:onset in late childhood
causes:hypothalamic,pituitary tumors,empty
sella syndrome, cranial irradiation as in ttt of tumors or leukemia.
c)laron's syndrome(GH resistance) receptor or
postreceptor defect
GH is high
IGF-1 is low
Intellectual impairment
Diagnosis of GH deficiency:
Inadequate rise of serum GH after provocative
as basal GH may be low in children
GH is released in episodic pulses
— if GH is elevated above 10 μg/ml after test GH deficiency is
Serum GH should rise
1)10 minutes of vigorous exercise
2)arginin infusion
3)levodopa or
clonidine orally.
4)insulin induced
hypoglycemia (0.1 unit /kg)after overnight fasting.
ttt:GH (somatotropin)is available.
GHRH in episodic doses—restores GH.
IGF-1 in laron’s Syndrome
dwarfism: functional hypopituitarism in ignored or emotionally deprived
3) Hypothyroidism: growth rate and skeletal developmental delay: congenital hypothyroidism if untreated→mental retardation, screened by T4, TSH. In late onset type intelligence is normal.
3) Hypothyroidism: growth rate and skeletal developmental delay: congenital hypothyroidism if untreated→mental retardation, screened by T4, TSH. In late onset type intelligence is normal.
4) Cushing syndrome: excess glucocorticoids in
childhood →decrease growth even before other signs of Cushing.
Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia ---due to
increase ACTH
Adrenal adenoma,carcinoma.
Diagnosis:urinary cortisol,dexamethasone suppression test ,CRH test ,MRI pituitary.
ttt:transsphenoidal microadenomectomy
5) pseudohypoparathyroidism:increased PTH,decreased Ca and increased ph .
5) pseudohypoparathyroidism:increased PTH,decreased Ca and increased ph .
Child is short, round face, short 4th and 5th metacarpals; it is due to
receptor defect.
ttt: vit D, exogenous Ca and ph binding agents.
6)Vit D metabolism disorders:
6)Vit D metabolism disorders:
Inadequate vit D
Decrease exposure to sunlight
Renal and hepatic diseases
Anti convulsive therapy
Decreased Ca, decreased ph level, increased
alkaline phophatase
Hereditary vit D def. Rickets:
Renal 25-OHD-1 hydroxylase(decrease)
Receptor defect
Renal tubular acidosis
ttt:vit D, ph replacement
7) Diabetes mellitus: short stature in uncontrolled patients.IGF1 is low in uncontrolled pts.
7) Diabetes mellitus: short stature in uncontrolled patients.IGF1 is low in uncontrolled pts.
8) diabetes
insipidus: there is poor caloric intake.
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