
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hypochromic anemias -Iron Deficiency Anemia its causes ,sings, treatment

Hypochromic anemias

Iron Deficiency Anemia:
                                                                                                                                                                 Definition :
Anemia due to inadequate supply of iron to support optimal erythropiesis

Character :
Microcytic hypochromic .
Reduction in plasma iron and transfusion .
Reduction in ferritin saturation
Depletion of bone marrow and other body iron stores

Iron  metabolism:  
Iron is essential to human life because of it’s central role in heme molecule  
- It is distributed in two compartments:
  Essential (function ) , HB , myoglobin and enzymes.
Non essential (storage) providing reserve iron for time of need.
                       Total body iron from 2-6 gm.
80% functional form and 20% storage form.
50 mg/ kg (men)
40 mg/kg  (women)
 - Iron is stored as ferritin and hemosiderin.
         - Maximal absorption of iron occurs       throughout the duodenum and upper part of jejunum .
         - Absorbed iron is transported via intestinal capillaries with little lymphatics with no enterohepatic circulation .
It’s absorption is increased in

 Iron deficiency states
Hemolytic anemia

Cirrhosis and portocaval shunt

3rd trimester of pregnancy

It’s absorption is decreased in :-
Patients with iron overload .
Malabsorption states.
Malignancy and infection .
Inflammatory disease .
Total daily excretion in males postmenopausal females 1 m / day .
Excretion is increased in menstruating females , during pregnancy and after delivery .
Iron Requirements: 
In addition to exceptional stress in menstruation , pregnancy and lactation , iron is needed for different physiologic processes by 0.5 mg/day and it is also needed for growth in infancy and adolescence.
Iron deficiency anemia occurs either due to inadequate intake or due to high output.
Clinical manifestation: 
Vague symptoms

        Pallor .
         Nail changes.
        . Cardiac dilatation and congestive cardiac              failure (especially in elderly)
       Hemmic murmers heard over heart .
        Menstrual irregularities .
        Numbness and tingling sensation .
      In infants : irritability and difficulties in feeding
Blood film :
Small erythrocytes (microcytic ) poorly filled with HB (hypochromic) with marked variation in sizes (anisocytosis ) and shape ( poikilocytosis)
Blood indices:
                          MCV < 80 fl .
                          MCHC < 30 gm/dl.
 ug /dl . Plasma iron concentration < 60
                           TIBC  > 350 u/dl.
% .Transferrin saturation  15

Oral  simple ferrous salts (sulfate ,gluconate or fumarate )
Ascorbic acid may be added to increase iron absorption.

Side effects :
Nausea , epigastric pain , abdominal cramps , diarrhea or constipation and vomiting .

Parentral :
Preparation : Iron dextran ( Imferon)

Indication for parentral iron :  
   1-Chronic uncorrectable bleeding
    2- Patients who is unable to take iron     
     3-Unreliable patients
     Patients with malabsorption syndrome 4-
Side effects :  
Headache , fever , urticaria , local pain  , arthralgia , dizziness , hypotension and rarely anaphylactic reaction which may be fatal.

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