
Sunday, February 9, 2014

ACQUIRED HAEMOLYTIC ANAEMIAS its causes,prevention and treatment

-1-Immune Haemolytic Anaemias
 Haemolytic Disease of the newborn :
Q Resulting from the transplacental transfer of maternal blood group antibodies capable of destroying the infant’s red cells .
Q Interaction of maternal antibodies with incompatible erythrocytes causes haemolysis .
Q Severely affected fetuses may develop the full- blown picture of hydrops fetalis with anaemia , jaundice , hepatosplenomegaly and oedema .
Q Unconjugated bilirubin formed from breakdown of haemoglobin , crosses the placenta ; after birth , leading to the condition of kernicterus .

The condition usually results from the passage of antibodies of the rhesus or ABO blood group system . Rhesus isoimmune disease affects Rh positive featuses of Rh negative mothers , may also results from transfusion of Rh positive blood .
It is possible to prevent sensitization of  a Rh negative mother by administering anti – D (Rh) immunoglobin immediately after delivery of an Rh positive baby , or after abortion ,  and anti- partum haemorrhage or other traumatic events during pregnancy .

Treatment :
At birth , cord blood should be taken for estimation of haemoglobin (Hb ) and bilirubin levels , bilirubin 75 mmol /litre indicates the need for exchange transfusions may , be required if the bilirubin levels does not fall to a safe level .
Phototherapy is an effective way of reducing hyperbilirubinaemia associated with hemolysis in this condition .

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