
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Alternatives to homologous blood Transfusion

Alternatives to homologous blood Transfusion
(1) Autologous blood Transfusion:
Is: any bl. Component donated by intended recipient.
Benefits:     (low risk of):
                                              Infections dis. transmission.    
                                           Febrile, hlytic, allergic reaction.
(1) autologus whole bl. Or KBcs.
* preoperative donation:
- before elective surgery (anticipated  bl. loss)
- contraindication:
                - symptomatic angina, AS, Valvular HD.
                - recent seizures.
                - hematocrit ↓ 33%
 * Intraoperative hemodilution:
- in cardiopulmonary bypass procedure.
-          1 or 2 units of bl. Removed →
-          replaced by colloid or crystalloid
-          → after surgery →
-          transf. of autol. b1ood& diuretics
-          (to ↓ plasma volume).
-          * post operative blood. salvage
-          Significant drainage form cavity as
-          chest cavity drainge ,,
-          collect blood during 24: 48 h postoerative →
-           Filteration →
-           reisfuse within 6h of collection
-          (2) Autologous plts transfusion.
-          Preoperative Collection by hemapharis
-          → frozen for future use
-          as anticipation of BM suppression during chemotherapy.
-          (3) autologous FFP or csuopercipitate.
-          Very uncommon indication.
-          (4) autologus concenterated fibrinogn.
-          Separated from autologus plasma.

-          (2) Growth factors
-          Epo: ↑ RBs production& ↓ need RBs donation
-          GM- CSF or G – csf:
-          stimulate hematopoiesis
-          used with BMT&chemotherapy.
-          (3) blood substitutes

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