
Friday, January 31, 2014

Hyperprolactinaemia its physiology ,etiology ,clinical picture,investigation and newest treatment

1. Physiology :
a. Hormone : Prolactin.
b. Gland : Pituitary gland [anterior lobe].
c. Function of the hormone :
i. Necessary for lactation.
ii. ↓↓ GnRH.
d. Regulation of this hormone :
i. prolactin :
_ PRH ( prolactin releasing hormone.)?
_ Recently it’s thought that TRH ( thyrotropin
releasing hormone ) is a prolactin releasing hor.
ii. prolactin :
_ PRIH ( prolactin release inhibiting hor.)
2. Etiology :
a. Physiological : pregnancy , lactation , stress,
sleep & nipple stimulation.
b. Drugs :
i. Dopamine antagonist : phenothiazines.
ii. Dopamine depletors : methyl-dopa & reserpine.
c. Diseases of many organs :
i. Pituitary :
1. tumors : prolactinoma.
2. diseases : grnuloma & sarcoidosis.
ii. Thyroid : 1ry hypothyroidism →↑ TRH→ ↑ prolactin.
iii. Renal : CRF → ↓ prolactin clearance.
iv. Liver cirrhosis : → ↓ metabolism.
3. C / P :
a. C / p of i cause :
i. Tumor.
ii. Dopamine antagonist.
iii. Liver cirrhosis or CRF.
b. C / p of i hormone :
i. :
1. glactorrhea.
2. amenorrhea.
3. osteoprosis (due to estrogen deficiency).
ii. :
1. impotence.
2. loss of libido.
3. infertility.
4. gynaecomastia.
5. never glactorrhea.
4. Investigation :
a. Inv. for i cause :
i. Imaging for i gland :
1. U/S.
2. C.T. & M.R.I.
ii. Liver & renal function tests.
b. Assay of i hormone level :
Prolactin > 300 suggestive of
[ n < 20 ng / ml ]. pituitary adenoma.
c. Inv. of i function of i hormone :
i. Glactorrhea.
ii. Infertility.
iii. Pressure manifestations.
5. Treatment :
a. Dopamine agonist :
i. Bromocriptine : dose 1.25 mg at bed time
gradually to 15 mg/day.
ii. Cabergoline : drug of choice less side effects.
b. Surgery: trans-sphenoidal or
trans-cranial removal of i tumor.
c. Irradiation : proton or _ particles.
see the pictures

d. TTT of i cause : e.g. : myxoedema.

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