Red blood cell
Red blood cell
transfusions are given to raise the hematocrit levels in patients with anemia
or to replace blood losses after acute bleeding episodes. Several types of
components containing red blood cells are available.
(1) Fresh whole
blood: The
advantage of this component is the simultaneous presence of red blood cells,
plasma, and fresh platelets. Fresh whole blood is never absolutely necessary,
since all the above components are available separately. The major indications
for use of whole blood are cardiac surgery or massive hemorrhge when more than
ten units of blood are required in a 24-hour period.
(2) Packed red blood
cells: Packed
red blood cells are the component most commonly used to raise the hematocrit.
Each unit has a volume of about 300mL, of which approximately 200mL consists of
red blood cells. One unit of packed red cells will usually raise the hemotocrit
by approximately 4%. The expected rise in hematocrit can be calculated using an
estimated red blood cells volume of 200mL/unit and a total blood volume of
about 70 mL/kg. For example, a 70 kg man will have a total blood volume of
4900mL, and each unit of packed red blood cells will raise the hematocrit by
200 4900=4%.
(3) Leucopoor blood: Patients with severe
leukoagglutination reactions to packed red blood cells may require depletion of
white blood cells and platelets from the transfused units. White blood cells
can be removed either by centrifugation or by washing. Preparation of leukopoor
blood is expensive and leads to some loss of red cells.
(4) Frozen blood(red
blood cells) : Red
blood cells can be frozen and stored for up to 3 years, but the technique is
cumbersome and expensive, and frozen blood should be used sparingly. The major
application is for the purpose of maintaining of a supply of rare blood types.
Patients with such types may donate units for autologous transfusion should the need arise. Frozen red cells are
also occasionally needed for patients with severe leukoagglutination reactions
or anaphylactic reactions to plasma proteins, since frozen blood has
essentially all white blood cells and plasma components removed.
(5) Autologous packed
red blood cells: Patients
scheduled for elective surgery may donate blood for autologous transfusion.
These units may be stored for up to 35 days.
Before transfusion,
the recipient's and the donar's blood are cross-matched to avoid hemolytic
transfusion reactions. Although many antigen systems are present on red blood
cells, only the ABO and Rh systems are specifically tested prior to all
transfusions. The A and B antigens are the most important, because everyone who
lacks one or both red cell antigens has isoantibodies against the missing
antigen or antigens in his or her plasma. These antibodies activate complement and can cause rapid
intravascular lysis of the incompatible red cells. In emergencies, type O blood
can be given to any recipient, but only packed cells should be given to avoid
transfusion of donor plasma containing
anti-A or anti-B antibodies.
The other important antigens routinly tested
for is the D antigen of the Rh system. Approximately 15% of the population lack
this antigen. In patients lacking the antigen, anti-D antibodies are not
natually present, but the antigen is highly immunogenic. A recipient whose red
cells lack D and who receives D-positive blood may develop anti-D antibodies
that can cause severe lysis of subsequent transfusions of D-positive red cells.
Hemolytic transfusion reactions
The most severe
reactions are those involving mismatches in the ABO system. Most of these cases
are due to clerical errors and mislabeled specimens. Hemolysis is rapid and
intravascular, releasing free hemoglobin into the plasma. The severity of these
reactions depends on the dose of red cells given. The most severe reactions are
those seen in surgical patients under anesthesia.
Hemolytic transfusion reactions caused by
minor antigens systems are typically less severe. The hemolysis usually takes
place at a slower rate and is extravascular. Sometimes these transfusion
reactions may be delayed for 5-10 days after transfusion. In such cases, the
recipient has received blood containing an immunogenic action, and in the time
since transfusion, a new alloantibody has been formed. The most common antigens
involved in such reactions are Duffy, Kidd, Kell, C and E loci of Rh system.
A.Symptoms and signs:
hemolytic transfusion reactions cause fever and chills, with backpain and
headache. In severe cases, there may be apprehension, dyspnea, hypotension, and
vascular collapse. The transfusion must be stopped immediately. In
severe cases, dissiminated intravascular coagulation, acute renal failure from acute tubular necrosis, or both
can occur.
Patients under general anesthesia will
not give such signs, and the first indication may be generalized bleeding and
B. Laboratory
findings: Identification
of the recipient and of the blood should be checked. The donor transfusion bag
with its pilot tube must be returned to the blood bank, and a fresh sample of
recipient's blood must accompany the donor bag for retyping of donor and
recipient blood samples and for repeat of the cross-match.
The hematocrit will fail to rise by the
expected amount. Coagulation studies may reveal evidence of renal failure and
dissiminated intravascular coagulation. Hemoglobinemia will turn the plasma
pink and eventually result in hemoglobinuria. In cases of delayed hemolytic
reactions, the hematocrit will fall and the indirect bilirubin will rise. In
these cases, the new offending alloantibody is easily detected in the patient's
C. Treatment: If a hemolytic
transfusion reactions is suspected, the transfusion should be stopped at once.
A sample of anticoagulated blood from the recipient should be centrifuged to detect
free hemoglobin in the plasma. If hemoglobinemia is present, the patient should
be vigorously hydrated to prevent acute tubular necrosis. Forced diuresis with
mannitol may help prevent renal damage.
Most transfusion reactions are not hemolytic
but represent reactions to antigens present on white blood cells in patients
who have been sensitized to the antigens through previous transfusions or
pregnancy. Most commonly, patients will develop fever and chills within 12 hours
after transfusion. In severe cases, cough and dyspnea may occur and the chest
x-ray may show transient pulmonary infilterates. Because no hemolysis is
involved, the hemotocrit rises by the expected amount despite the reaction.
Leucoagglutination reactions may respond
to acetaminophen and diphenhydramine, corticosteriods are also of value.
Removal of leucocytes by filteration before blood storage will reduce the
incidence of these reactions.
Rarely, patients will develop urticaria
or bronchospasm during a transfusion. These reactions are almost always due to
plasma proteins rather than white blood cells. Patients who are IgA-deficient
may develop these reactions because of antibodies to IgA. Patients with such
reactions may require transfusion of washed or even frozen red blood cells to
avoid future severe reactions.
Contaminated blood
Rarely, blood is contaminated with
gram-negative bacteria. Transfusion can lead to septicemia and shock from
endotoxin. If this is suspected. the offending unit should be cultured and the
patients treated with antibiotics as indicated.
Diseases Transmitted
Through Transfusion
the use of only volunteer blood donors and the routine screening of blood,
transfusion-associated viral diseases remain a problem. All blood products(red
cells, platelets, plasma, cryoprecipitate) can transmit viral diseases. All
blood donors are screened with questionnaire designed to detect donors at high
risk of transmitting diseases. All blood is now routinely screened with a
variety of tests including hepatitis B surface antigen, antibody to HCV,
antibody to HIV, and syphilis.
With improved screening, the risk of
post-transfusion hepatitis has steadily decreased. The major infectious risk of
blood products is hepatitis C, with a seroconversion rate of 1:3300 per unit
transfused. Most of these cases are clinically silent, but there is a high
incidence of chronic hepatitis C.
Platelet Transfusion
Platelet transfusions are indicated in
cases of thrombocytopenia due to decreased platelet production. They are not
useful in immune thrombocytopenia, since transfused platelets will last no
longer than the patient's endogenous platelets. The risk of spontaneous
bleeding rises when the platelet count falls to less than 10,000/uL, and the
risk of life-threatening bleeding increases when the platelet count is less
than 5000/uL. Because of this, prophylactic platelet transfusions are often
given at these very low levels. Platelet transfusions are also given prior to
invasive procedures or surgery, and the goal should be to raise the platelet
count to over 50,000/uL.
Platelets are most commonly derived from
donated blood units. One unit of platelets(derived from 1 unit of blood)
usually contains 5-7 10 platelets suspended in 35 mL of plasma. Ideally, 1
platelet unit will raise the recipient's platelet count by 10,000/uL, and
transfused platelets will last for 2 or 3 days. However, responses are often
suboptimal, with poor platelet increments and short survival times. This may be
due to sepsis, splenomegaly, or alloimmunization. Most alloantibodies causing
platelet destruction are directed at HLA antigens. Patients requiring long
periods of platelet transfusion support should be monitored to decument adequate
responses to transfusions so that the most appropriate product can be used.
Patients may benefit from HLA-matched platelets derived from either volunteer
donors or family members, with platelets obtained by platelet-pheresis.
Techniques of cross-matching platelets have been developed and appear to
identify suitable platelet donors (nonreactive with the patient's serum)
without the need for HLA typing. Such single-donor platelets usually contain
the equilevalent of 6 units of random platelets, or 30-50 10 platelets
suspended in 200mL of plasma. Ideally, these platelet concentrates will raise
the recipient's platelet count by 60,000/uL. Leucocyte depletion of platelets
has been shown to delay the onset of alloimmunization.
transfusions are seldom indicated and have largely been replaced by the use of
myeloid growth factors (G-CSF and GM-CSF) that speed neutrophil recovery.
However, they may be beneficial in patients with profound neutropenia
(<100/uL) who have gram-negative sepsis or progressive soft tissue infection
despite optimal antibiotic therapy. In these cases, it is clear that
progressive infection is due to failure of host defenses. In such situations,
daily granulocyte transfusions should be given and continued until the
neutrophil count rises to above 500/uL. Such granulocytes must be derived from
ABO-matched donors. Although HLA matching is not necessary, it is preferred,
since patients with alloantibodies to donor white cells will have severe
reactions and no benefit.
The donor cells usually contain some
immunocompetent lymphocytes capable of producing graft-versus-host disease in
HLA-incompatible hosts whose immunocompetenece may be impaired. Irradiation of
the units of cells with 1500cGy will destroy the lymphocytes without harm to
the granulocytes or platelets.
Plasma Components
Fresh-frozen plasma is available
in units of approximately 200mL. Fresh plasma contains normal levels of all
coagulation factors (about 1 unit/mL). Fresh frozen plasma is used to correct
coagulation factor deficiencies and to treat thrombotic thrombocytopenic
purpura. The risk of transmitting viral diseases is compatible to that
associated with transmission of red blood cells.
Cryoprecipitate is made from fresh plasma.
One unit has a volume of approximately 20mL and contains approximately 250 mg
of fibrinogen and between 80 and 100 units of factor VIII and von willebrand
factor. Cryoprecipitate is used to supplement fibrinogen in cases of congenital
deficiency of fibrinogen or dissiminated intravascular coagulation. One unit of
cryoprecipitate will raise the fibrinogen level by about 8mg/dl.
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